I love baking. Hands down, it is my absolute favorite form of cooking. However, last year I wanted to try something new. I decided to hop over to jamieoliver.com and see what he had in the way of baking recipes. I really enjoy his site because there are unique recipes that you don’t see here in the US. I decided to try one that looked pretty easy, and let me tell you it was DELICIOUS!

The full recipe can be found here.

Since Jamie is a UK chef, all of his recipes are measured in grams, unlike our “cup” measurements in the US. To fix this, I used my handy food scale to measure each ingredient. Just for you, I will tell you what it measures out to, in order to make this much quicker.

250 grams plain flour = 2 cups plain flour

250 grams icing sugar =  2 cups powdered sugar

125 grams unsalted butter = 1 stick + 1 Tablespoon unsalted butter

Honestly, the single hardest part of creating these amazing little treats was trying to find the right pan. In the UK, I believe a mini tart pan is relatively easy to find. In the US…not so much. I found nothing. Eventually I went into Bed Bath and Beyond and found mini individual tart containers that would just have to do. Of course, a few months later I found EXACTLY what I was looking for at Williams Sonoma. Their tartlet baking set runs for $29.95 here.


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